Our Research on A Novel TSA-PSO Based Hybrid Algorithm for GMPP Tracking under Partial Shading Conditions published in MDPI Energies.
The paper proposes an enhanced algorithm incorporating Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO), improving the exploitation capability of the Tunicate Swarm Algorithm (TSA) for Maximum Power-Point Tracking (MPPT) of Photovoltaics. Our TSA‐PSO MPPT algorithm achieved a PV tracking efficiency of 97.64%. This international collaboration included the researchers from Ariel University (Israel), University of Petroleum and Energy Studies (India), Chandigarh University (India) and The Malta College of Arts, Science and Technology (MCAST).
The collaborative authors are: Dr Abhishek Sharma, Dr Abhinav Sharma, Dr Vibhu Jately, Dr Moshe Averbukh, Dr Shailendra Rajput and Dr Brian Azzopardi
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