Our research on the comparative study among the existing low-voltage-ride-through control strategies is published in IEEE Access. The paper provides a critical review on the recent challenges and the associated strategies under LVRT conditions in GCPV inverters. The drawbacks associated with the conventional current control strategies are investigated in simulation environment and each category of the advanced LVRT control strategy is analyzed under different types of grid faults. Moreover, the work categorizes different state-of-the-art LVRT techniques on the basis of synchronization methods, current injection techniques and dc-link voltage control strategies. This international collaboration included the Tasks Leader of the JUMP2Excel project Dr Vibhu Jately along with the Principal Investigator of JUMP2Excel project Dr Inġ. Brian Azzopardi and researchers Ms. Jyoti Joshi along with Prof. Anurag Kumar Swami from G. B. Pant University, Pantnagar, India. You may view projects related to scientific publications from Research Gate