
MCAST Energy researchers present a paper and chair at the IEEE PES ISGT (Innovative Smart Grid Technologies) Europe 2020 – Online

MCAST Energy researchers present a paper and chair at the IEEE PES ISGT (Innovative Smart Grid Technologies) Europe 2020 – Online

Today, Dr Somesh Bhattacharya, Postdoc Research Fellow, from MCAST Energy Research Group (MCAST Energy) presented the paper entitled: “Control of Inertia in Hybrid Microgrids from Regulated DC Microgrid Systems”. The paper presented a novel methodology integrating a number of energy sources and loads through direct and/or alternative current supply networks. The purpose is to provideRead more about MCAST Energy researchers present a paper and chair at the IEEE PES ISGT (Innovative Smart Grid Technologies) Europe 2020 – Online[…]

Recent European Photovoltaic Technology and Innovation Platform Publication on Research Challenges in PV Reliability with a contribution from Dr Inġ. Brian Azzopardi at MCAST Energy

Recent European Photovoltaic Technology and Innovation Platform Publication on Research Challenges in PV Reliability with a contribution from Dr Inġ. Brian Azzopardi at MCAST Energy

The European Photovoltaic Technology and Innovation Platform ( have just published a short report on research challenges in PV reliability.  The report focuses on two main questions of why and what we need as ongoing research. Dr Inġ. Brian Azzopardi at MCAST Energy from the Institute of Engineering and Transport has long advocated for aRead more about Recent European Photovoltaic Technology and Innovation Platform Publication on Research Challenges in PV Reliability with a contribution from Dr Inġ. Brian Azzopardi at MCAST Energy[…]

MCAST Energy paper shortlisted at the 37th EU PVSEC European PV Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition – Online

MCAST Energy paper shortlisted at the 37th EU PVSEC European PV Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition – Online

MCAST Energy Research Group (MCAST Energy) paper entitled: “Are Renewable Credits from Other Countries Worthwhile than PVs in Malta towards the Energy Transition?”. The paper presented by Mr Brian Bartolo discusses the recent 2020 Malta-Estonia Renewable Energy Agreement to address Malta’s Renewable Energy gap in the exchange of 100GWh for €2 million per year. ForRead more about MCAST Energy paper shortlisted at the 37th EU PVSEC European PV Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition – Online[…]