
JUMP2Excel launches public lecture series

JUMP2Excel launches public lecture series

The Joint Universal activities for Mediterranean PV integration Excellence (JUMP2Excel) consortium has successfully organised its first Mentoring week thus launching the JUMP2Excel public lecture series. The first lecture, hosted by the Malta Group of Professional Engineering Institutions (MGPEI), was given by mentor Antoine Guerin de Montgareuil from the French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy CommissionRead more about JUMP2Excel launches public lecture series[…]

Welcome to our CEA Mentor, Antoine Guerin de Montgareuil

Welcome to our CEA Mentor, Antoine Guerin de Montgareuil

Antoine Guerin de Montgareuil is visiting us to mentor MCAST Energy team of researchers.  He will be also providing training and also a public lecture later on this week.  He is also open to meet Malta Energy stakeholders in dedicated meetings.  Please contact the project manager for any enquiries. We hope that Antoine’s visit to MaltaRead more about Welcome to our CEA Mentor, Antoine Guerin de Montgareuil[…]

JUMP2Excel Public Lecture by Top World Leading Research Centre, CEA

JUMP2Excel Public Lecture by Top World Leading Research Centre, CEA

PUBLIC LECTURE: HIGHLIGHTS ON TECHNOLOGIES DEVELOPED AT CEA AND THEIR POTENTIAL APPLICATION ON INSULAR TERRITORIES The JUMP2Excel: Joint Universal activities for Mediterranean PV integration Excellence consortium is organising a series of Public Lectures by top world leading research organisations. JUMP2Excel project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme underRead more about JUMP2Excel Public Lecture by Top World Leading Research Centre, CEA[…]